Touching Invisible:
Ecstasy beyond form
1st to 5 may 2024
Joëlle Charles & Herve Ashutosh
This workshop is open to beginners and experienced Tantrikas.
This proposal was born from the meeting of two Souls, two Hearts, two Universes that love and complement each other.
Joëlle Charles, who has been embodying, practicing and teaching Tantric Massage in a sacred space for many years, and Hervé Ashutosh, who explores the worlds of feeling and presence, creating immersive proposals based on traditional Tantric texts such as the Vijñana Bhairava Tantra.
To experience ecstasy beyond form requires crossing the threshold where we are without desire at the peak of our desire.
During this workshop, using the tools of Skydancing Tantra, you will be invited to :
– Cultivate presence with yourself and others
– Develop your sexual energy and connect it to the Heart center
– Feel and express your limits, and dare to consciously transgress them in order to access unknown territories.
– Learn to give and receive in freedom
– Practice the art of Tantric Massage in a sacred space of connection to self and other.
In an environment of gentleness, joy, life energy, pleasure, trust and respect, we offer you the opportunity to safely explore new ecstatic spaces.
Dates and times: Wednesday May 1 (5pm) to Sunday May 5 (5pm) 2024
Location: Hameau de l’Etoile – near Montpellier
Course fee: 490 euros
Full board (accommodation + meals): between €330 and €590 per person, depending on room type.
Prior interview with one of our animators for anyone we don’t already know.
Here’s the link to take the first step towards joining us:
Course validated as a prerequisite for Skydancing®Tantra advanced training and courses
Past Events

Desire and Tantra have always been intimately linked:
In Indian Tantric mythology, the union of consciousness and desire-driven energy of Shiva opens the doors to the creation of our universe.
Every living being in this world is the fruit of one or more desires and contains within itself the seeds of desires to come.
Desire is a fantastic energy, a source of miraculous ecstasy.
We have all felt the emergence of this powerful wave of desire and its ability to sweep everything in its path. Tantra offers the tools to observe this energy and give it a container so that we can fully enjoy the presence of desire.
Freedom from our desires comes from this understanding. By detaching from the object of desire and remaining present, it becomes possible to surf through these waves in osmosis with the flow of life without getting lost or hurt.
The invitation is not to fight this energy in vain by creating neuroses but to remain fluid with our desires and those of others by being enlightened by the strength of our consciousness.
Free to express desire in dance, speech, meditation and massage……
Welcome to this joyful invitation to explore desire in all its forms in a safe setting. An odyssey in which you will also be invited to feel and express your limits.

An outbreak is a delicate and magical moment at the same time.
Leaving the security of a shell, a bud or a fold of the heart, a newcomer presents himself and embellishes the universe.
With the help of tantric tools, you built your own security. Then you can explore the world and to show yourself to others with your own singular light.
Come celebrate with us while respecting your limits, the energy of spring with your color, your vibration.
Une éclosion est un moment delicat et magique à la fois.
Quittant la sécurité d’une coquille, d’un bourgeon ou d’un repli du coeur, un nouvel arrivant se présente et embellit l’univers.
Les outils du Tantra permettent d’arpenter le monde et de se montrer aux autres en étant maître de sa sécurité et lumineux dans sa vibration singulière.
Venez celébrer avec nous dans le respect de vos limites, l’énergie du printemps avec votre couleur, votre vibration.