“First I would like to welcome you, because you have a longing for the divine; because you desire to rise above ordinary life towards the life of a seeker and because, despite your worldly desires, you have a thirst for truth…….
I would also like to say that to know truth is not as important as to have an authentic yearning for it. That yearning is a joy in itself.
The divine will be born in you according to the intensity with which you seek it. That does not mean that some supreme soul or energy from outside will enter your being. The seed is already present within you, and it will start growing. But it will grow only if you are able to give some warmth to your thirst, some heat and some fire to your thirst”.


What is Tantra?
Born in the Indus Valley in India, Tantra is a spiritual awakening path whose transmission was originally made orally between a master and his disciple and through experimentation under the guidance of the latter.
As a result, having no written records, the exact origin of Tantra is difficult to define. Treatises dealing with this subject were then written in books called “Tantras”. Then, over time, Tantra spread to different places around the globe. It has evolved through contact with new cultures.
But whatever the form taken, it remains a form of yoga: a doctrine and a set of practices having for objective to reunite the individual with the principle of all existence.
If we consider the Indian origin of the term Tantra, this word designates an instrument of expansion of the fields of consciousness
Two Specificities of Tantra
The first specificity of Tantra within the paths of spiritual awakening is its inclusiveness. This path is a path of acceptance. Nothing is pure or impure. The invitation is to live, observe and accept in full awereness without judgment any sensations of the body, any emotions, any thoughts or desires.
The second specificity of Tantra is the central place of experimentation. Tantra is not a simple theory that can be learned from a book, it is above all a learning by the experience of the body, the heart and the spirit. Live and recognize your divine part in all circumstances. Visit and integrate shadows and light of your being. It is a path full of ecstatic experiences whose goal is awakening.
Full of lived experiences, fluid in the approach to life, the tantric practitioner sees each situation that arises as a source for enjoyment and an opportunity to make the world and his being more beautiful.
Sat (सत्) is a common prefix in ancient Indian literature. This Sanskrit word means “the true essence” or “that which is immutable” of an entity, of an existence. The invitation of Sat-Tantra is to open a space to give ourselves time to come back to the essence of who we are. A quest for truth about oneself and the universe around us.
In ancient Greece, men and women used to go to Delphi’s temple to ask their questions to the oracle which revealed Apollo’s divine words. At the entrance of the site, was engraved a sentence “Gnothi seauton” which means: “Know thyself”. To understand life, the universe, to reconnect with the essential man or woman, the invitation is to turn your gaze inward. Likewise, Tantra considers that Shiva Shakti, the Consciousness-Energy dyad permeates all of creation. It thus joins one of the seven principles of Trismegistus Hermes: “What is above is like what is below; what is below is like what is above”.
The energy mobilized during the creation of the universe also dwells within us. It is a source of inspiration for man in his achievements. The kundalini creates and rejoices in this process. A small part of its potential is used in support of daily activities carried out mechanically: breathing, eating, digesting … Next to the human being who lives automatically, another real man, another real woman sleeps inside the human body. By waking up, by releasing his energy thanks to Tantra, the essential being reconnects with his creative potential and radiates joy. In the same way, in his sexuality, the mechanical man / woman only responds to an impulse, the essential man / woman radiates love.

Tantra & Sexual energy

Sexual energy & Tantra
Tantra & Sexual energy
The awakening and mobilization of sexual energy are part of tantric practices. This approach includes a symbolic dimension, an energetic dimension and a practical dimension.
Tantra is a spiritual path that establishes its rites from a pragmatic view of life. From a symbolic point of view, Tantra sees the creation of the universe and all life as the meeting and union of two principles: Unmanifest consciousness related to the masculine (Shiva) meets the primordial energy related to the feminine (Shakti). This union establishes a zero point, the Bindu from which emerges duality and life manifested in its multiple forms. Rituals that included sexuality allowed practitioners to pay symbolic homage to the divine. The strength of the ritual being enhanced by the bodily experience which permited a direct cellular understanding of the concepts of consciousness, energy and divine ecstasy.
However, to achieve this, you have to learn, to know, to tame the amazing potential of sexual energy and to free yourself from conditioning. Likewise, it is essential to recognize and master the powerful emotions associated with sexuality. Tantra offers the practitioner tools to discipline this energy which can be morally, emotionally and physically devastating if misused. Like any source of energy, sexual energy can be wasted or on the contrary used to release its potentials of joy, of creation for hours. Then, ecstasy is no longer simply confined to certain areas of the body but radiates throughout the body. It also invades the heart and the mind and spreads all around.
Nowadays, tantric practice is a precious help in our lives. Indeed, sex exerts a great influence in our Western consumerist societies. Inside ourselves, sex occupies many thoughts including people who claims to have given up sex. Outside, messages using the sex drive to immediately satisfy desires and to greedily accumulate fleeting pleasures overwhelm us. Used in this selfish way, sexual energy is a source of suffering. On the contrary, tantric practice allows you to be at peace with your sexuality and to have a clear view of the nature of desire. The sexual energy is mobilized in consciousness and directed by the practitioner: He can guide it within himself to experience divine ecstatic states. He can also choose to have it reflect outside to support a creative process (a project, a masterwork, a new life…). The joy inherent in this achievement is multiplied if it is shared.
“The immense power released and retained by the spiritual exercise of the awakening of the sexual force gradually reveals to man his spiritual personality and helps him as much as possible to release his latent faculties for the common good of the universe . ” BRAJAMADHAVA BHATTACHARYA