Immerse yourserf into the experience of an evening of Tantra!
“The role of the Tantra facilitator is to define a framework to allow participants to have an experience in which everyone feels free and safe.”

Truth, Consciousness, Bliss form an inseparable trinity on the Tantric spiritual path.
A Tantra workshop is a great opportunity to develop awareness. Awareness of self, of our relationship to the group and also awareness of our place in this world. For some, Tantra is also an expansion of consciousness tool and a way to encounter the universal consciousness.
Each meditation, each situation, each shared structure is an open door to invite our inner witness to observe. Then, it becomes possible to be simultaneously in the intensity of the action and witness what is happening. The lived, repeated experiences allow us to become meditative whatever the situations in front of us.
With the help of this awereness process, a Tantra practioner may approach and gradually tame the whole range of bodily sensations, thoughts and emotions; including those wich are considered harmful or dangerous. Tantric practice allows us to alchimize these toxic elements to help us to become an actor of our choices instead of being reactive.
This work of consciousness begins at the level of the body. Realize that this body is your temple and your key to ecstasy. Being in touch with your bodily sensations, making them grow, savoring them, observing them and opening up to the expression of your vitality.
In a Tantra workshop context, vitality is the expression used to refer to the flow of energy throughout the body and the feeling of being fully alive.
An evening or a day of Tantra are spaces-times within which the participants are invited to meet their vitality, to make it grow and above all to express it 100% through the body.
The setting in motion of the body is the basis of this expression. Sounds are also welcome to express the joy felt.
The practices of dancing ,breathing ,massaging are all opportunities to encounter the natural vibration of the body cells. They are also a chance to purify/ free the body from possible traumas / blockages which are engrammed inside it. Once freed from its shackles, the body naturally expresses a vitality reminiscent of young children.
The body is a temple in which pleasure manifests itself when the life energy flows freely. It is above all the first stone, the foundation of the path that leads to ecstasy.
With the help of this liberated body and in connection with the energy of life, it becomes possible to go serenely to meet the thoughts and emotions present. They are first accepted and then integrated to nourish the creative process of our life.

All emotions are welcome in a Tantra workshop. They will be greeted with kindness and compassion. Joy is the one that is most often expressed at the end of a tantric experience. The joy experienced nourishes the desire to create even more joy for oneself and to share it with others.
“The joy converted into the language of the body becomes pleasure, the joy received through the body becomes pleasure. The joy received by the mind becomes happiness. The joy which is received neither by the body nor by the mind, which is received without body and without mind becomes ecstasy. These are the 3 levels of joy. ” OSHO
The first point is self-respect.
During a tantra evening, you will be invited to experience different propositions. But before entering into any exercise, it is important to take the time to feel what is present inside you in front of these proposals:
Is it possible for me to do what the evening facilitator suggests?
Do I feel resistance linked to a personal limit (physical / emotional / mental)?
How do I maintain my vitality in this situation? How can I adapt while respecting my limit? Can I go a little further than what I believe is my limit?
The important thing is not to do at all costs what the group does but to put awareness on what is happening while respecting limits. The tantric tools transmitted will be the keys to your transformation to feel free.
The second point is respect for others.
To go a little beyond your own limit to experiment is a transgression. Going beyond the other’s limit is an aggression. Therefore, it is essential to commit to respect the limits of the other participants so that everyone can feel safe in their experience of the Tantric path.
The first point is self-respect.
During a tantra evening, you will be invited to experience different propositions. But before entering into any exercise, it is important to take the time to feel what is present inside you in front of these proposals:
Is it possible for me to do what the evening facilitator suggests?
Do I feel resistance linked to a personal limit (physical / emotional / mental)?
How do I maintain my vitality in this situation?
How can I adapt while respecting my limit? Can I go a little further than what I believe is my limit?
The important thing is not to do at all costs what the group does but to put awareness on what is happening while respecting limits. The tantric tools transmitted will be the keys to your transformation to feel free.
The second point is respect for others.
To go a little beyond your own limit to experiment is a transgression. Going beyond the other’s limit is an aggression. Therefore, it is essential to commit to respect the limits of the other participants so that everyone can feel safe in their experience of the Tantric path.

A mandatory telephone interview is requested before any registration for a workshop if you have never participated in one of our evenings / days.
This allows you to get to know each other and ensure that we are in tune with what you are looking for by coming to meet us.
This will also allow us to better support you on our common journey.
For your comfort, come with loose clothes and a cushion (zafu) to sit on.
The events are open to everyone, singles and couples.
You will be informed of the location of the workshop when you register.
Contact for all information and registration requests:
For your comfort, come with loose clothes and a cushion (zafu) to sit on.
The events are open to everyone, singles and couples.
You will be informed of the location of the workshop when you register.
Contact for all information and registration requests:
Some testimonials from participants
I appreciated the simplicity, the clarity, the authenticity and the presence that gives confidence
I liked the quality of the rise of energy, its mastery and its power. Well done !
“What I appreciated the most: The quality of presence, the delicacy and the feeling of security (invitation to respect one’s limits) as well as the great attention to the participants who come into contact with a strong emotion.”
Guillaume T. “Intimacy” Evening
“A very rich and interesting proposition. A good personal exploration, personal awareness and many emotions. Keep going!”
“I enjoyed the space of softness, kindness, openness, clarity, presence and laughter.”