“Tantra is a tool by itself. A tool to expand consciousness. It includes multiple facets which are explored using different practices, the best known of which are listed above.”


Relaxation Observation Neutrality
Relaxation Observation Neutrality
Meditation is frequently used in Tantric practice. It constitutes the central point, the core of Tantra.
It can take different forms. A sitting meditation form in which the invitation is to observe the respiratory flow or to visit different parts of the body. Another forms are guided visualizations or active meditations.
Active meditations are precious to Tantra. They can include cathartic, centering and anchoring phases through body movements.
In these times of stress and outer chaos, these phases are often an essential prerequisite so that the practitioner can more easily experience inner silence.
Within this silence there is a space in which the body is motionless, relaxed. Thoughts are like clouds in the sky: they pass slowly without being able to catch on or are motionless. Desires, emotions no longer quiver. The encounter with OneSelf can take place. Meditation ceases to be a practice and give way to the meditative state.
The regular practice of meditation allows this meditative state to grow. It’s a precious help to walk the path of Tantra. Osho said that in order for meditation to be successful, three essential points should be followed:
1. Be relaxed (not to seek to control the mind or fight the ego, to have a relaxed body during practice).
2. Be an observer of what is happening without intervening.
3. Be neutral (do not judge the movements of the mind positively or negatively).
It is this meditative state that allows the practitioner of Tantra to approach and tame powerful energies such as sexual energy or the energy of anger for example. It becomes possible for the tantrika to transmute these energies. He uses their astounding potential to open a path of creation of beauty and ecstasy for himself and for the world in which he lives.
The good news is this: although the practice of meditation requires discipline and commitment, the Tantric path is not a path of physical or mental austerity. Joy, celebration of life in all its aspects are also invited in these meditative practices. Accepting what is without judging helps to regulate the relationship to oneself and to others and to stay in the energy of the heart.
Apart from Tantra workshops, there are also one-hour meditation spaces in the morning or in the evening which are planed. If you want more information contact us.
The ecstatic body reveals itself
Tantra is a spiritual path which considers that the divine permeates everything. It is not hidden in an inaccessible realm or in a future time; it is present here and now, available at all times.
The body is a temple through which we can meet the divine since It resides there. Dance is one of the tools used to reveal the ecstatic potential of each cell.
Free dance naturally mobilizes the three keys that open the doors of ecstasy according to Skydancing Tantra:
1. Movement
2. Breathing
3. Sound
The practice of dance allows the body to free itself from the tensions and rigidities accumulated over time in response to the various physical or emotional stresses experienced. A sensation of delicious vitality and energy emerges and visits the entire physical body.
The invitation is then to let go of the body in a spontaneous movement whatever its nature. Thoughts stop, the dancer disappears, melts into his dance. The movements flow by themselves. The dance turns out to be a path to ecstasy.

Sharing circles are precious spaces within the framework of a Tantra workshop.
The secure and supportive framework allows everyone, if they wish, to reveal themselves in their authenticity. The words heard, welcomed by all, open a space where light, beauty, but also shadows and wounds are unveiled. By allowing themselves vulnerability and by sharing their intimacy when it is felt to be right, participants have the opportunity to break free and reveal themselves to the world in all their magnificence. It is not uncommon for a person’s sharing to resonate with others. Everybody may bring back into everyday life precious insights. Finally, speaking out loud helps to anchor awareness into reality.
A Tantra group is also an opportunity to share experiences with one or more other people. Interaction is not the goal but a tool which helps to bring out awareness, energy and ecstasy. In the same way that fire arises from the meeting of a match and a scraper; vitality is revealed in the presence of the other.
Massage is very important in a society that increasingly dematerializes interactions between people. Nowadays, it is one of the foundations of tantric practices because it allows to unify the body, the heart and the spirit and to taste the ecstasy of being alive.
A massage is a time offered to honor the body and perceive all the richeness in it. The body is the gateway between the outside world and our inner universe. Our senses, coached by the mind, are most of the time turned outwards to collect the vital elements for our survival, our pleasures, our social life. It is only when the body is in pain that attention is redirected to it. To return to the body is to return to the foundation of our being, to go back to our temple. During the massage the senses turn inward again. It’s open a space in time to trust, to receive and to surrender. The body is honored as a whole. It is visited, pampered, cleaned and purified. Its natural vibration can be expressed freely.
The heart is the center of tantric massage. It is in the palm of the hand that the heart meridian circulates. The tantric touch is above all a touch of love. It is not a question of techniques but a question of presence to oneself, to the other, to the breath.The spirit recognizes the divine part in itself, the divine part in the other. Namaste ceases to be a welcome formula to become a reality felt in every cell and heart ….
Apart from the workshops, we also offer tantric massages for individuals or couples. To do this, go to the website or contact us directly.

Tantra has managed in its spiritual process to capture the cosmic energy from the most manifest vitality and which remains available in humans, namely, the man himself, and the woman.
Tantra has managed in its spiritual process to capture the cosmic energy from the most manifest vitality and which remains available in humans, namely, the man himself, and the woman.